Showing posts with label world-business-dialogue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world-business-dialogue. Show all posts

Sunday 27 October 2013

Participate at the 17th World Business Dialogue

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The World Business Dialogue is the world’s largest international student-run business convention. Each year, the leaders of today and the leaders of tomorrow come together in Cologne, Germany to discuss current innovations and trends regarding their impact on existing business models and their chances to generate new business models. Therefore, the conference brings together excellent students with renown executives, founders, politicians and scientists and offers them an ideal platform for a cross-generational and cross-cultural dialogue.

The World Business Dialogue has a rich history. Its story began in 1987 when it was still named “Deutscher Wirtschaftskongress” and only German students and executives participated. In 1999 it successfully opened its doors for international guests as well and since then has attracted students and executives from almost any place on earth.
The story continues to be written. Stay excited for the 17th World Business Dialogue in 2014!

[caption id="attachment_648" align="alignleft" width="150"]world-business-dialogue world-business-dialogue[/caption]

The OFW Organisations forum Wirtschaftskongress is an entirely student-run initiative based in Cologne, Germany. Since its foundation in 1984 it gives a team of ~40 students a unique and exciting challenge every year: To organize the world’s largest international student-run business convention, the World Business Dialogue. The goal of the organization is to give students the opportunity to combine the theoretical knowledge of their university life with hands-on business experiences. During one year of being on the team they face numerous complex challenges and learn to master them. Here comes the 17th World Business Dialogue. Students across Nigeria can apply and get affiliations that could unlock their closed corporate doors. Experience an eyes-opener to other great opportunities. It's free to apply. And, free to be sponsored to Germany to-and-fro. Apply now at !

Yours truly,
Matthew Adetunji
OFW's Ambassador West Africa