Thursday 22 December 2016

17 Reasons why I can boldly say MMM has not crashed but re-strategizing for better outing in 2017:

1. Continuous website availability : website is still available and accessible since the last Tuesday 13th December 2016  announcement  unlike other HYIP etc  where the website will just disappear

2. Response from support: we are getting response from support in less than 48 hours now. This Showing that a lot of work is been done at the background to deliver a more  robust system in 2017
3. Meeting the African Director (Andrew) :  uninterrupted  and scheduled meeting of guider  with the MMM African director, Mr. Andrew on Wednesday and Sundays as usual and good feedbacks from support/CRO further strengthens  our  faith in MMM for better 2017.

4. Robust structure: MMM has a robust administrative structure (support, CRO etc) and very organized guider school that trains their managers on MMM ideology quite unlike other programme.

5. Guider school ongoing Despite the freeze on Mavros : MMM guider is a compress university program of MMM with well-organized and sophisticated  daily task and assignments that grooms their potential managers  . This school is still ongoing despite the freeze on mavros. The latest intakes were recruited yesterday Tuesday 20/12/2016. Just a week after the announcement on the freeze of  mavros.

6. MMM Ideology: MMM has very sound ideology that preaches financial freedom for all . Creating a new world and age where people will no longer work for money but freely pursue their dreams and vision; a world   where money will be a slave and not a master as it is this present world. This is the best ideology I have seen in the financial world.

7. Crowd funding principle:  The crowding where the 30% mavro reward is derived has been proven to be working in banks and insurance firms for years . it also align with various cycles of nature like water cycle, Nitrogen cycles , carbon cycle etc my firm conviction is that  if the rules of MMM are kept,  this cycle of PH/GH can continue forever as other natural cycles I mentioned above. 

8. Commitment of the funder to the Ideology: the founder of MMM, Sergey Mavrodi is very commitment to seeing that his dream of midwifing a world of financial freedom comes to pass. He demonstrated by this by serving a jail term.  His daughter was kidnapped in the pursuit of this same vision. He has even been labeled a fraud star; but despite all these persecution by the powers that be, he has refused to give up this vision.

9. Books written by the Founder of MMM:  Books written by Sergy Mavrodi like son of Lucifer etc demonstrate his disdain for injustice and the cruelty in the heart  of that given birth to the present financial system that keep the poor poorer and the Rich richer. This present he has determined in his heart to change with the MMM the ideology. This is why the common slogan in MMM is “together we change the world”

10. Reputation of MMM over the years : MMM stated since 1989 in Russia. It has gone through several metamorphoses through the years till this present peer to peer model that was deployed in 2011. She has learnt   a lot in this process.  It is not like other programme that just started yesterday as copy cats of MMM.

11. Truth and transparency in MMM: everything about MMM is transparent. from CRO, support,. The agreements “participate with your spare money “boldly written in the front of the website is a signal that that MMM has no fraudulent intention.

12. No central account. MMM does not have a central account. It is a peer to peer help structure therefore there is no room for embezzlement of funds 

13. Not for Money bags and the rich: MMM is not designed to make people rich . it is designed as a ‘life line” for the poor and the middle class. This is why it accepts donations as low as N2, 000 and doesn’t accept a first timer donation of more than N3, 000,000. 

14. MMM has face: at least we know who is behind MMM. He has written an open letter to the Nigerian Govt. he has written to the Nigerian press. He keep re-assuring all the MMM participant a better MMM in 2017 even after the announcement of Mavro freeze.

15. Pause mode: mode is one of the strategies of managing MMM when there is low PH. It is one of the projects (business game) in the guider school. Every guider is expected to know how and when to activate a pause mode in MMM and to reactivate the program.  So what has happen in the Nigeria MMM community is normal not strange.

16. History of MMM and Pause mode in other countries:  MMM has gone on pause mode in South Africa, Zimbabwe and china and retuned so Nigerian case cannot be different. 

17. Prayers  and the Good wishes of the Poor  : Above all,  MMM has touch  many lives in Nigeria especially the poor  and the middle class We have witness the testimonies of the goodness of MMM on the web and even some of our religious centers.  
If you as Bold as I am show with your PH . The Time to PH is now. MMM has come to stay. MMM community is a tested and friend all the time.

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