Thursday 3 November 2016

Is the end near for Ponzi scheme as CBN issues warning?

The CBN issues a warning about the Ponzi scheme MMM as more Nigerians sign up for it.

Despite several articles written about the dangers of the Russian Ponzi scheme MMM Nigeria, thousands of Nigerians are still hooked on it.
To the doubters who don't believe that MMM is a scam, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has finally issued a warning about the Ponzi scheme.
The head of the Consumer Protection Department of the CBN, Suleja Kassim warned Nigerians not to invest their hard earned money in the scheme during a mentoring program for students.

"We have heard about the activities of MMM. I want to warn you against it because they are wonder banks that are not regulated. Desist from their activities because they are fraudulent" he stated.

MMM, which has been banned in China and Russia has seen Nigerians falling head over heels for it. On Sunday, October 30, 2016, MMM was advertised in a Redeemed Christian Church of God parish in Abuja.

MMM Nigeria, is a Ponzi scheme that originated in Russia that has now set up in Nigeria. Wikipedia says the company was involved in one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in the 1990s. It was estimated that thousands of people lost up to $10 billion dollars.

MMM was founded by Sergei Mavrodi, Vyacheslav Mavrodi, and Olga Melnikova in 1989. After a rapid growth, but it all came crashing in 1994 when the police shut down MMM for tax evasion. At this point, the company owed its investors $50m-$1.5bn. From the aftermath 50 of the MMM investors committed suicide.

15 years later, MMM established an office in South Africa. Using the same business model the company claimed investors would get a 30% per month dividend via a "social financial network." In January 2016, MMM landed in Nigeria.

SOURCE: Pulse News


  1. that is y in nigeria the rich are always getting reacher the poor are poorer all those so called rich people don't want you to get rich anything thatt dey no will benefit you the poor they fight against it imaagine when you keep 20000 in the bank for 10month dey won't give you intrest of 1000 but mmm will give you intrest of 6000 a month mmm don't do business with your money but the banks does God punish CBN to hell with you all thief
