Thursday 29 December 2016

The Truth About MMM As Regards Religion Must Be Told

Good day house, I feel greatly compelled to post this. I have read and listened to folks and some preachers say derogatory things against MMM and its participants.

 As a child of God and also a minister of the gospel, I make bold to say I remain loyal to the ideologies of MMM.

 With MMM, the message of Luke 6:38,has been reiterated.  A lot of times, we preach the gospel of giving remotely, without considering the larger house.

 Christians, fail to follow the steps of the Father, in the area of selfless giving, which has been the bane of the entire body.

 The political scene is not left out in this. The national wealth is being hoarded and poverty is on the increase.

 Within this period of my involvement in MMM, I have seen the power of goodwill in giving, and the relationship between God's words and the ideologies of MMM.

 On MMM, you cannot receive, if you have not given. Just as the scriptures reveals,receiving time is always a harvest time. Hence your donation comes back to you as a reward.

 Before now, most people fail to practice the gospel of giving out, we feel safer, to keep our little, our widow's mite that cannot add values to our lives, but God, in his unmatchable wisdom, raised Mavrodi Sergei, of MMM, to enforce the gospel of financial freedom, to salvage us from the demon of recession that has crept into the world.

 Now someone picks up his microphone to condemn MMM.

 *Let me ask you,*

 *What is your plan for your immediate members for the duration they are going to remain jobless?*

  *How many people are you ready to grant  scholarship, for as long as they cannot afford school fees?*

  *What is your plan for those youths still into prostitution and armed robbery?*

 *When was the last time you engaged in hospitals/prisons ministry?*

 Let me say this *YOU ARE A FAILURE ALREADY* if you have not considered all these and more.

 Stop criticizing politicians, because you are not even better!

 Our Lord Jesus, fed people who were hungry at his meetings....., he did not insult them, like would have been the pattern from some modern church leaders.

  I am a graduate today, because of my pastor who practiced what he preaches.

 Now for you in dilemma about your participation in MMM.

 Please be informed, that God hates poverty and doesn't want us to suffer, He will hold you responsible if you allow the spirit of poverty ravage you and your destiny.

 Poverty is not synonymous to righteousness, neither is wealth synonymous to hell fire.

 In fact, wealth (with Godliness) will open more doors including heaven's door for you... if you doubt me, please consult Abraham and Lazarus!

 By God's grace, my husband and I are pastors  for more than 2 decades, and we are both participants on MMM.

  Come 2017, free yourself and your loved ones, by giving your little, your spare, to the person who needs it now! PH today and see that *GIVERS NEVER LACK!*


 To those pastors and imams who are using their so call holy office to mislead people against MMM,kindly seek *(AS BIBLE AND QURAN DETAILED)* how the 30% is gotten and stop tagging it as *SATANIC MONEY*

 *Again,why do people give tithes and Sakath(10% OF THEIR NET-TURNOVER)?*

  They do that because they are expecting bountiful returns from God.

 If not the expected returns,do you think people will give 10% to God?

Without Praises and hailing in returns,do you think a rich man will render help to the poor?


 *(you can help share this write-up to your friends if you care)*


*✍🏽Pastor  Funke Aluko*                                                                                                                       1k+ Guider MMMNigeria


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