Saturday 23 May 2015

A House-help Caught Urinating inside Pot of Soup

Secret things happen in this world but Holy Spirit can reveal the hidden things to those that have a listening ear.  

In preparation for the Pentecost, we organized 7 days Novena to the Holy Spirit and Men of God were invited to come and talk to us here at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Aguda Surulere Lagos.

On the sixth day, a brother gave a testimony of how God liberated a family from the hands of the devilish house-help.

It happened that anytime the family receives salary, the whole members of the family will fall sick except the house-help and the major part of the salary goes to treating sickness. The family went into prayers after consultation and through the power of the Holy Spirit, after praying the wife was instructed in the spirit to take a walk to the kitchen and behold, the house-help was there urinating inside the pot of soup.

The house-help was possessed by the devil and her mission was to suck their finances, make the family to fall sick and even kill some of them. 

Another testimony was told about how the Holy Spirit through a Sister liberated about seventeen (17) people from death by ritual killing. A sister boarded a bus going to Seme (Seme Border) and just 5 minutes after takeoff, 17 people slept off. The sister being filled by the power of Holy Spirit knew that was not ordinary and something bad is about to happen. She began to speak in tongues - the only language that the devil cannot understand, the language that put the devil in confusion. They came to attach the sister but the power of the Holy Spirit over powered the occultic power and the seventeen people wake up and were liberated. Alleluia.

We are in wicked world and can only be saved by the power of God through the Holy Spirit. As we wait for the out pouring of the Holy Spirit, let us be open to receive Holy Spirit to help us in every areas of our lives. Amen


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