Saturday 1 November 2014

Ministers Give Account Of Stewardship In Public Affairs Forum

A four-day public affairs forum to assess President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration opened in Abuja on Thursday.

The minister of power, Professor Chinedu Nebo and his water resources counterparts, Sarah Ochekpe kicked off the forum.

AIT  reports that other ministers are expected to give account of their stewardship.

The office of the senior special assistant to the president and public affairs organised a forum for ministers to give account of their stewardship. Presidential aide, Doyin Okukpe said it is a way of making key players accountable for their stewardship.

Doyin Okukpe said, “What we are asking the hounourable ministers to tell us basically is this: Where were we in 2011, where are we now?”

The minister of water resources Sarah Ochekpe said her ministry has provided sustainable access to safe water with the construction and maintenance of dams nationwide.

She said, "The water resources potential for Nigeria was at 267 billion cubic metres for surface water and 92 billion for ground water. But today as we report to you, the surface water potential is now 340 billion cubic metres and the ground water is 100 billion cubic metres giving us a total of 440 billion cubic metres."

The minister of power Professor Chinedu Nebo on his part said that Nigeria's profile on power transmission has improved.

He said, "We have a situation where the average now daily is over 3400Mw as opposed to less than 2500Mw in 2009 and only 2800Mw in 2011."

The forum continues on Friday with other ministers giving accounts of the stewardship in the last four years.

Source: AIT NEWS

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